Tuesday 10 February 2009


It’s easy to write these entries and wonder just who is out there at the other end – if anybody. I started this blog because I didn’t know where to turn when Dave died and the enormity of the task began to sink in. Wills, probate, taxes, executors, trusts, solicitors – there’s a lot of stuff to consider quite apart from the direct business of dealing with paintings. If just one person benefits from reading about our experiences then I thought it would be worthwhile.

In fact, over the past week I’ve heard from an old friend (from 30 years ago) who has recently found themselves in a similar situation with the estate of a close relative, a sculptor. There’s also been contact with ex-students of Dave’s, as well as the support I’ve already written about from galleries and artist friends who shared studio space with him. So clearly there are people out there.

Tomorrow Margaret and I will sort through the studio to select paintings for the See Gallery exhibition. I'll hire a van and will take them to the gallery on Friday. Chris has an idea about storing the work, so we'll meet up and see what he has to say. On the phone he described it as a 'Eureka' moment.....let's hope so.

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